to Warman Dog Training!
Are you a new puppy owner in Saskatoon, Warman or surrounding areas
looking for a positive dog/puppy trainer.
Every class at Warman Dog Training begins within 15 minutes of supervised
off-leash play time followed by one hour instruction/practice.
We're proud to introduce Jen Scheidt, our owner, behaviorist, and trainer with over 20 years of professional dog training experience. Jen employs positive, training techniques, ensuring effective and compassionate methods for training needs of all handlers and breeds of dogs.
Jen has personally trained and loved many dogs including rescue dogs, herding breeds, terriers, and toy breeds. Her love for watching dogs and their handler's interact in a happy, focused, positive manner has become the foundation of her dog training instruction and supportive methods.
In 2022 Jen made the heartfelt decision to sell her dog training business located in Edmonton. She sold Sherwood Barks Dog Training & Agility and moved to Warman to be closer to family. She purchased the current location of her new business, Warman Dog Training because it included a indoor training area, a large yard and a pool for dock diving. Classes are held indoor during the winter with the outdoor yard/pool option (weather permitting).
"Positve does NOT equal Permissive"
Positive dog training teaches the dog what you want. When the dog makes the right choice! Reward! Reward! Happy Talk! The dog quickly learns with reward based training. As the Dog becomes more proficient the rewards are reduced and eventually elliminated. All classes all designed to enhance her dedication to helping dogs and their owners thrive. Private consultations with Jen are positive and solution-focussed.
*No choke chains, pinch collars, shock collars, or other abusive methods
are ever used at Warman Dog Training.

Classes are Once a Week for 5 weeks.
Classes begin with 15 minutes play-time.
1. Puppy Level 1 - 3mo-1yr.
2. Puppy Level 2 - pre-requisite Puppy Level 1
3. Advanced Puppy - pre-requisite Puppy 2
4. Introduction to Dog Sports.
-Agility - Flyball -Disc - Dock Diving, etc
5. Tricks - all ages
6. Agility classes - all levels

Jen Scheidt, Six, Tug-it, Trap & Mouse

Warman City Parade 2023